About Us
Located just North of Atlanta, Georgia, FriconUSA specializes in manufacturing high quality and efficient equipment for the Food Retail, Commercial & Industrial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning sectors.
The wide variety of our products meet our customers’ needs for:
Food Processing Plants
Ice Plants
Food Storage and Distribution
Cold Rooms
Blast Freezers
Air Conditioning for Buildings
And more!
We work hand-in-hand with our distributors to ensure the best project development to the final client.
Our Mission
To contribute to the economic growth of our clients by offering multiple options in equipment and/or solutions for the Food Retail, Commercial & Industrial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning sectors, developed and manufactured by our people with innovative technology and design, under the highest standards of quality at the best possible price.
Ayudar al crecimiento económico de nuestros clientes, ofreciendo múltiples opciones de equipos y/o soluciones a los sectores de Food Retail, refrigeración comercial e industrial y aire acondicionado, desarrollados y fabricados por nuestra gente, con tecnología y diseño innovador, bajo los mejores estándares de calidad al mejor precio posible.
Our Vision
To be the leading company in manufacturing high-tech HVAC/R equipment in the global market. To be recognized for the quality of our products, the professionalism of our people and for our contribution to environmental conservation.
Ser la empresa líder en fabricación de equipos HVAC/R de alta tecnología en el mercado global. Ser reconocida por la calidad de nuestros productos, el profesionalismo de nuestra gente y por nuestra contribución a la conservación del medio ambiente.